Viva Aerobus is known in the AMOS Community, as well as in the aviation industry in general, as innovative, modern and above all tech-savy. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the airline decided to introduce AMOSmobile/EXEC only two years after the implementation of AMOSdesktop.
Earlier this year, Viva Aerobus had kicked-off its mobile app project. In early October, the project was realised and the identified benefits could now be put into action. The finale was of course to celebrate the successful go-live of AMOSmobile/EXEC!
During the celebration, Juan Carlos Zuazua, CEO of Viva Aerobus, stated, “The AMOSmobile implementation at Viva Aerobus is a great milestone in our journey to the digital transformation of our aircraft maintenance execution, maintenance planning and engineering control, as well as a key contribution to our ULCC business model and environmental policy by being a paperless airline”.
Implementing AMOSmobile/EXEC was one cornerstone of the airline’s digital transformation and laid the foundation to implement e-signature companywide.
AMOSmobile/EXEC was implemented simultaneously at their five main maintenance stations. At these five locations, the daily working processes of the mechanics changed drastically. Before the go-live, the work was mainly paper based with very little interaction with AMOS. Now the technicians receive real time info on their iPads on stock levels etc, issue pickslips themselves or enter their data directly into AMOS. They are no longer dependent on others to enter the data into AMOS, which ensures that the data processing is faster and less error-prone.
The implementation of AMOSmobile/EXEC also enables Viva Aerobus to take advantage of “real time” data which in turn can deliver an increase in the mechanics’ productivity. With live access to input or update an unscheduled workorder, perform scheduled maintenance as part of a planned workpackage or take advantage of having access to aircraft manuals and troubleshoot defects at the aircraft directly is clearly yet another benefit. The potential to reduce the possibility of transcription errors and update the aircraft status and configuration cannot be under estimated from a safety and reliability point of view.
AMOSmobile/EXEC delivers process-driven menus and functions on a touch-optimised device to ensure that the mechanics have ability to customise their AMOSmobile dashboard in an intuitive and user-friendly format.
“It was no surprise to us in the Miami office that Viva Aerobus were willing, ready, and able to launch the AMOSmobile/EXEC module so soon after their go-live, because they are a very dynamic and forward thinking company and as such the very type of customer we like to have in our AMOS Community,” states Daragh Cunningham, Senior Director AMOS Americas.
The implementation was strongly impacted by the Covid-19 eruption in spring. From one day to another, no onsite presence of the Swiss-AS Miami team was possible and also the end-user training was a potential issue. However, the project team adapted quickly and found well-working workarounds to keep the project running, though at a slower pace due to the pandemic restrictions. For example, for the end-users, “how-to” videos were compiled and the training was completely conducted online.
Even more so, Swiss-AS congratulates the Viva Aerobus team for their great teamwork and the smooth implementation of AMOSmobile/EXEC. Well done!