AMOS Application Operation

AMOS Cloud Service, AOS and AMOSmonitoring

Swiss-AS provides three distinct services from which Customers may choose when it comes to managing the operation of your AMOS instance.

  • AMOSmonitoring


    Secure availability and performance of your AMOS

    Reaching optimal user experience requires a high level of system availability, stability and performance. In order to support our AMOS customer base to fulfil these requirements, Swiss-AS is now pleased to offer AMOSmonitoring: a new, intelligent, proactive monitoring and alerting tool aimed to modernize the AMOS operation.
    The status of AMOS is easily visible via a dedicated web platform, accessible with an individual login. Various reports can be generated to obtain an instant overview of AMOS operations. In case of adverse occurrences, the AMOS administrator will be immediately alerted by a notification that includes instructions to instantly restore the system availability or performance levels. AMOSmonitoring also provides pro-active recommendations to avoid incidents before they occur.

    At a glance

    • Monitor AMOS operations
    • Maintain optimal performance levels
    • Be updated whenever adverse performance or availability issues occur
    • Track system changes and review the resulting operational impact
    • Set-up of the tool possible within a few minutes

    Best in class customer service
    Swiss-AS has built up a team of dedicated Performance Engineers who focus on the continuous development of processes and tools to optimize the performance of AMOS. Our experts contribute to the creation and continuous development of AMOSmonitoring, they integrate their system knowledge and field experience to simplify the monitoring and troubleshooting of your AMOS environments.

    Customers can expect a simplification of AMOS operational troubleshooting and a standardization of the monitoring
    procedure. This will allow a reduction in the number of system incidents and consequently increase AMOS performance and AMOS availability.


  • hosting

    AMOS Cloud Service

    Whereas AOS focuses on Application and Database Server Management only, Swiss-AS can also provide customers with a fully Cloud hosted AMOS environment available through secured VPN connections easily accessible from anywhere.

    The AMOS Cloud Hosting package, combined with AOS, provides the customer with a fully dedicated cloud environment and ideal operational conditions to benefit from the full potential of AMOS. This option relieves customers from the requirement to operate a technical infrastructure on premises and provides an attractive and cost effective alternative.

    Swiss-AS has designed a cloud infrastructure to ensure a high level of operation in agreement with the latest IT and security standards, this entails:

    • An isolated hosted environment for each customer
    • Secure data privacy to comply with the latest GDPR requirements
    • Provide reliable system performance with optimized back-up and data recovery processes
    • Set up of active monitoring to prevent operational problems, low disk space, high CPU usage etc.

    The AMOS cloud infrastructure is hosted using the Google Cloud Platform technology in the geographical Data Centre closest to the customer base.
    On customer special request, Swiss-AS can also provide an hosted solution composed by physical servers.

    The customer’s only responsibility is the fulfilment of application administration tasks, such as the definition of user access and roles, report writing, parameter and workflow configuration.

    Since the expectations regarding system availability and set up vary highly and are subject to the individual requirements of each customer, our technical experts will work out the ideal solution and approach to cover your specific needs.


  • AOS

    AMOS Operation Services (AOS)

    AOS cover all duties arising from the AMOS application server and database administration and have Swiss-AS taking responsibility for this broad range of tasks.


    The services are designed to fulfill the following customer needs:

    • Customers may not wish to invest in internal resources with the founded knowledge neccessary for a stable operation of the AMOS application.

    • Customers which would like to complement their expert team with unparalleled experience and knowledge regarding the operation of AMOS. Swiss-AS is the 2nd pair of eyes watching over all aspects of your AMOS operation.

    The high level scope consists of:

    AMOS Server Management

    • Installation of the latest AMOS system patches

    • Installation of the latest AMOS Stable Release

    • Monitoring of scheduled tasks, file system size and AMOS log files

    Database Management

    • Installation of new database versions

    • Configuration and supervision of database backup and database size

    • Monitoring of database log files, database size

    • Monitoring of performance parameters (incl. cache, statistics and memory)

    Weekly operations report

    • Covering the most significant operating key figures

    AOS provide an unparalleled cost/benefit ratio due the significant amount of customers already relying on it paired with a cumulated 100 years of experience of our experts in the administration of AMOS and the underlying database.

    Economies of scale allow Swiss-AS to provide customers the possibility to outsource the operation of AMOS at a lower cost against the use of in-house resources.


    Swiss-AS reserves itself the right not to offer certain services in all geographic locations under particular circumstances.